My brief thoughts and quotes about LOVE,
LOVING your body, restoring your heart and losing weight!
"Be care of self-importance and prententiousness, a giant oak tree remains silent and unmovable and everyone still knows how tall it is." - Shelley Johnson, The Losing Coach
"LOVE is your greatest asset. When you are lost, look for LOVE. When you are in need, pursue LOVE. LOVE will provide all." - Shelley Johnson, The Losing Coach
"LOVE can feel unconditional immediately, it truly is unconditional after all the conditions are tested and you still feel LOVE." - Shelley Johnson, The Losing Coach
"This is how I feel about “accountability”. I have always found it insulting and condescending. Unless you owe someone something, accountability to others is a farce. No kind of accountability to others can match accountability to self." - Shelley Johnson, The Losing Coach