What are people saying about Losing Coach?
Real women reach out to Shelley for help.
Faige lost 6.2 lbs in 4 weeks and says, "I went from 'I am unholy' to 'I am the creator of a beautiful life'!"
Lisa lost 40 lbs in 3 months and said, "In all the times I've tried to lose weight, I'd get so far then gain it all back again, but now I truly have the self-control and ability to do it this time! On other programs, I didn't want to face and see what I was eating because I felt guilty about it. After coming to Losing Coach, I don't mind looking at everything; after removing all judgment, I don't feel guilty about anything because I see results!
Emily lost 22.8 lbs in 4 months and says, "I am getting in really good shape! I am becoming my old self again! I don't feel like I am on a program, this is just how I live!"
Danielle lost 5 lbs her first week and said, "This is perfect! Exactly the mindset where I need to be! RESULTS were the driving force behind it! I'm very much in control in managing my weight. I'm at peace."
Susan lost 27 and 1/2 lbs in 2 and a half months and said, "The moment you weigh less than your driver's license.... wow! This program is a condemnation-free zone and for the first time I am thinking of what is best for me!
Donna lost 23 lbs in 4 months and says, "My weight was an issue that had held me back for so long. Finding Losing Coach was amazing, a huge part of my journey!"
Tracy, a private coaching client, lost 9.8 lbs in 4 weeks, and said, "I would not be able to do this without talking to you every week."
Cheryl lost 6.4 lbs in one week and said, "I love food even more now! I'm having fun! I didn't feel deprived and ate everything I wanted and lost weight! Like killing two birds with one stone! I was really surprised!"
Daphne lost 13 lbs in one month and said, "For the first time I feel in control of my body! I'm no longer controlled by my appetite or food! It's so freeing to lose weight without having to work out! And I can really eat anything I want! There is nothing I can't have! It's empowering!"
Tara lost 6.4 lbs in two months and says, "I was so paralyzed because I could not start another diet... what should I eat, what should I not? I'm no longer paralyzed from the confusion of good/bad foods!"
Myrine lost 24.2 in 3 and 1/2 months and said, "My sugar levels were diabetic and I needed a lifestyle change. I wanted to start eating healthier and lose weight. So I came to Losing Coach. I've lost over 20 lbs and just went to the doctor and he said, "All labs are acceptable." I'm excited! I'm so close to my goal and it's so doable now!"
Vanessa lost 15.6 lbs in 10 weeks and says, "The power of this lifestyle is mind-boggling! It's working, I feel better, I feel healthier, and I'm at peace with the journey! It's rewarding. I have all the pieces now to have the ability to do it, whereas before the pieces were missing. I knew the truth, but no one was telling me to trust in it. Then on day one with Shelley, I knew I had the power to do it!"
Heidi lost 8 lbs in three weeks and said, "It was not a big effort. It was the excitement from learning from you, the push you gave me! Amazing for me how I can do it! I am grateful for your help!"
Keena lost 11.8 lbs in 6 weeks and says, "This is like waking up for the 1st time. I've become aware of myself and my decisions and my body."
Michelle lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks and said, "The online videos are so helpful! I watched the rehab video and I laughed so hard! This process feels really good! I have learned a lot about taking care of myself and when I feel good, I don't want to eat as much! Now I'm a size 12 and I haven't been a size 12 since before I had my baby! My husband said "I don't know what's happening with you, but I see a lot of hope!"
Cindy lost 7.5 lbs in 3 weeks and says, "I can truly enjoy food to the fullest! In 54 years I've been struggling and now I don't have to! For the first time in my life I look forward to getting on the scale!"
Carrie lost 9.2 lbs in 3 weeks and said, "I feel more confident! Now I know what works for me as I learned how to manage my weight and keep myself feeling satisfied!"
Caroline lost 4.1 lbs in 2 weeks and says, "I like the fact I feel like an adult!"
Marybeth lost 29.2 lbs in 3 months and said, "The liberating thing with this process is I am really enjoying eating and feeling more satisfied; I'm not depriving myself of anything! And the privacy principle... there's something about it! I've taken my power back. Before I really set myself up to fail and this time I haven't!"
Nikki lost 14 lbs in 7 weeks and says, "I have a heightened awareness of delayed gratification. This is a paradigm shift, from believing I couldn't to believing I could!"
Lisa lost 2 lbs over Christmas and said, "For Christmas, I decided to give myself a gift and that meant staying on track. And I still ate cheesecake!"
After her first private coaching session, Jen writes her personal letter: "Dear Divine, I’m thankful that you chose Shelley as the candle to light the way for me and so many other women. Her purpose is truly Divinely inspired – thank you for entrusting her with this precious gift. And thank you for leading me to her at the perfect time in my life."
After one week of vacationing with her family, Jen says, "Vacationing was awesome because I wasn't thinking about food the whole time. It's gone from bondage to food to bonding with family! I'm even surprising myself. Best part is being able to control myself! And I'm already starting to feel more comfortable in my body."
Amy lost 8.8 lbs in 2 weeks and said, "This is easy and not complicated! I feel good about it! My focus wasn't on food; I'm excited! And motivated! Nothing ever worked before, but I didn't know the truth. The biggest a-ha moment for me... I don't know how many times I've prayed to God, who's running the universe, for this, and now I discovered I can do this myself!
Sherri lost 8.1 lbs in 4 weeks and says, "It's changed my thinking. I'm not following someone else's plan. I'm following my own plan, making my own way, and it feels good that I can pick what I want, developing a routine of my own and not trying to follow a specific plan or diet!"
Chanon lost 3.2 lbs her first week and said, "I was so proud I was able to do this even through a chaotic week of travelling and family issues. I learned you don't have to be in a perfectly happy place to do this!"
Ethel lost 18 lbs in 7 weeks and says, "This evolves you into eating "naturally thin" through staying calm."
Janese lost 2.2 lbs her first week and said, "The feeling of self-control is better than the feeling of regret. I feel more empowered; I can go out and do things, it's not a death sentence!"
Dawn lost 9.5 lbs in one month and said, "You learn you have a lot more power than you know. When I discovered this, I started opening my eyes to everything in life. I understand now that life is going to go on and every day is different. But worrying about how I'm going to lose weight no longer fools me. Losing weight is now my compass to see my way home and I feel great!"
Simone lost 7.7 lbs in 3 weeks and said, "Regardless of the daily ups and downs, at the end of the week, I am down the amount that I aimed for and for that I am happy!"
Emily lost 13 lbs in 8 weeks and says, "It's so simple, it's crazy! I don't feel deprived, didn't seem hard, and I had confidence that I could do it! This is the final frontier to be able to lose weight! It's a really good feeling!"
Miriam lost 1.2 lbs over Thanksgiving week and said, "I'm thrilled! I did not feel deprived because I remembered your words in coaching!"
Melody lost 15.8 lbs in 7 weeks and says, "I feel in control. And I can make mistakes and still be alright!"
Ronda lost 11 lbs in 3 weeks and said, "When have I ever been able to eat anything I want and see the scale move? Never! (Until now)."
Trisha lost 3.8 lbs in one week and says, "Very happy and it's a lot easier than what I thought it was going to be! I feel lighter and it's nice not to have a lump in my gut from eating so much!"
Angel said, "The simplicity of it all makes me happy! I ate an oreo last night and the world didn't come to an end; no one came and shamed me or judged me, and I still lost 5.5 lbs the first week!"
Christine said, after one week, "No cravings. No deprivation. My choices were what I wanted! And I ate out more than I ever have this week than in my life and I still lost 1.4 lbs!"
Jocelyn lost 3.4 lbs in 10 days and says, "I'm proud of myself of being able to problem solve as it relates to my own decisions!"
Jennie lost 23 lbs in 2 months and said, "Easy! Powerful! Amazing! Simple! No cravings! I feel happy, more comfortable, motivated, and excited! First time it's actually a life-long thing!"
Carla lost 6.3 lbs her first week and said, "I'm a little surprised how much easier this was than other programs! I like it! I enjoyed the act of eating more!"
Elizabeth lost 6.2 lbs her first week and says, "Revolutionary! A lot easier than I could have imagined! Lots of freedom with food choices! This is just life-changing!
Sharon lost 4 lbs in one week and said, "I'm very proud of myself. I was propelled and encouraged to make wise decisions. It was eye-opening to just ignore so many things I used to worry about!
After her first session, Leesa said, "I feel like I finally have the strategy I've never had before, that I've needed, to be able to lose the weight!"
Susan lost 3.8 lbs her first week and says, "I felt very in control of myself. For once, I'm taking care of me. It felt like true empowerment because there was no added stress to my day from my "diet"!
Monica lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks and said, "After the last session, I felt different. I didn't feel guilty about my decisions. I took your voice with me and I kept hearing you say, "It's okay". I usually fear the bottom will fall out, but now I know it's so simple and it makes me feel free, like a child! I don't have to figure out everything to succeed!"
Lori lost 12.5 lbs in one month and says, "This is just so amazing! It's much more than weight loss; it's the law of attraction, it's so powerful! I'm excited to see doors open in my life now!"
Rhoda lost 9 lbs in 2 months and said, "I simply feel better when I do this."
Judy lost 7 lbs in 13 days and says, "I was at the mercy of my body before, now my body is at my mercy."
Lisa lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks and laughed so hard during her private coaching sessions, she told Shelley, "You should be a comedian!"
Miriam lost 1.9 lbs in a week (her "No Expectations" week) and said, "This is the week I learned the most!"
Catherine says, "I've lost 8 lbs in 4 weeks and three things I have learned: 1) I can do this! 2) I realized I was my own worst enemy before I started. 3) I've come to a place of engaging loving myself and acceptance. I deserve personal success!"
Wendy lost 4.6 lbs in one week and said, "It seems so crazy that my whole attitude about everything has changed!"
Marie lost 10 lbs and said, "To swim with my kids and not be embarrassed or ashamed is incredible! This is recovery from condemnation."
Leah, private coaching client, lost 5.4 lbs and says to Shelley, "I share with you what I don't share with anyone else. Even my therapist, I was never able to get momentum with him. He didn't understand. And you do."
Kim lost 6.4 lbs in one month and says "I'm so glad I followed through on the principles, that I did it!"
Paula lost 3 lbs in 10 days and says, "I already feel more confident, proud, in control, and more respectable; I'm respecting myself."
Susan just lost 2.8 lbs in 10 days and said "This is soooo different than everything else!"
Kristy has lost 12 lbs and said "Shelley has helped me to stop stressing over what to eat and what not to eat. I finally feel comfortable in my own skin! I only wish I had found Shelley many, many years ago!"
Elizabeth writes, "I've lost 20.8 lbs in 8 weeks! I feel better and feeling less tired."
Melody writes, "Hey Shelley, just wanted to salute your awesomeness! I'm about at the halfway point, down 13 pounds with 10 more to go. I still can't believe that just 28 days of your wisdom has changed my mindset so profoundly. This has been such an effortless journey to self-love. Thank you so much again for your course. I'll be sure to send a before and after pic come February!"
Malisa says it simply - "35 pounds down - Yay me!"
Susan started 10 months ago - "Finally 50 pounds gone!! 202.4 to 151.7 today! Thanks Shelley!!"
Melanie has lost 24 lbs now in 3 months. "I was thinking today how good I feel lately. And how much more confident I am. A number of weeks ago in one of the calls you talked about wearing sleeveless tops and for some reason that stuck in my head. Almost all the new and smaller sized clothes I purchased lately are shorter and more form fitting, and I am often showing my bare arms. I did not realize I was hiding myself and my hourglass figure is kind of cute. And I feel so good! I would say a year ago I was always trying to blend in. Now I just want to dress as cheerful and confident as I feel! What a huge mind shift!"
Joan was horrified by the number she saw on the scale 6 months ago. Now she is down 51 lbs! "Along with you, I firmly believe that weight loss and weight management is personal, and no one’s business but my own. Thank you and keep up your mission of love, support and encouragement."
Janie has now lost 10.8 lbs! "Thank you Losing Coach! <3 I don't feel deprived, I'm able to fully socialize and live my life, and I'm just excited to keep going!"
Since coaching with Shelley three days ago, Betsy has lost 3.2 pounds! "I'm so excited to keep it going. I feel powerful. I feel re-energized. I enjoyed the role-play: it engaged my mind and helped me think about the process in a different way."
Joy has lost 2 lbs in the last week and is grateful that the process always works for her!
Frannie lost 3.8 lbs in 11 days. "I would not have been able to do it without this process. This has been my every birthday wish come true!"
Janie has lost 6 lbs in her first month and says "Do you know what I love about this program? The truth. I'm done starting over! Because there is no re-starting or judgment necessary. The honesty of it brings me peace."
Kristen lost 38.8 lbs in 4 months! "It's unbelievable! Amazing! The day I went to the Workshop, the rest of my life began. I remember all the dread and anxiety I experienced on other diets - and now I have none of that!"
Cindy lost 7.5 lbs in 3 weeks. "For the 1st time in my life, I look forward to getting on the scale."
Toni has lost 10 lbs in just under 3 weeks, since joining Shelley's Club. "Thank you for your continued motivation and daily inspirations. I am grateful for you!"
Marybeth lost 29.3 lbs in 3 and 1/2 months and says "I took my power back. Before I would always set myself up to fail and this time I haven't. This time is real."
Shelly lost 5.6 lbs in 1 week and is so grateful for the peace she is feeling.
Stephanie lost 9.7 lbs in 3 weeks and said "I learned I can eat the things I want and still lose weight!"
Rachelle has lost 15 lbs in just under one month and says "I'm sooooo excited!!"
Megan lost 10 lbs in one month and said "The transformation was profound: I snapped out of the automatic behaviors, confusion and powerlessness. I saw where I had been listening to what other people said I "should" eat and do with my body instead of listening to my own wisdom and desires."
Caroline lost 4.1 lbs in 2 weeks and said "I like the fact I feel like an adult."
Teresa is finally making herself a priority and is down 4 lbs this week!
Andrea is down 25 lbs in 10 weeks. "I am still in awe of this process! Losing Coach® works, and I am SO thankful to have found your program! You are such a huge blessing to me, Shelley!"
Judi lost 11 lbs in 1 month and learned that she was getting caught up with not eating what she wanted, but what she thought she should and should not eat. Now she is eating what she wants and being mindful and that is so much easier for her!
Melanie has lost 14 lbs in 5 weeks! In private coaching with Shelley, she said "You've hit on something for sure. I'm having a little cry because you've touched me so deeply."
Teresa lost 2 lbs in her first 7 days, and said reaching her weight loss goals will mean getting her confidence back!
Linda lost 16.5 lbs in 3 months after attending a Losing Coach Workshop sponsored by her company.
"I have always struggled with my weight. When my company offered The Losing Coach® Workshop, I knew it
was time to try something new, as it was time for me to lose weight."
"I have always struggled with my weight. When my company offered The Losing Coach® Workshop, I knew it
was time to try something new, as it was time for me to lose weight."
Michele has lost 3 lbs in 9 days and says "What really helps is that you address the emotional and spiritual side of weight loss. That's exactly what I need! Thanks for your program, your kindness and your support!"
Shelly lost just over 3 lbs in one week and is thrilled!
Susan has lost 35 lbs in 4 months! "There have been times when I wanted to give up with those long full weeks of no weight loss, but then wa-la!! More pounds gone! And it's never when I expect it to happen!!"
Donna holds her 28 lb weight loss steady and stable for a few weeks, and Shelley explains, "That's good actually! That's you stabilizing before your next drop." Donna: "Thanks Shelley, your unconditional love has taught me so much... and still is."
Rachelle has lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks after attending our Workshop and says she cannot wait to buy her first bikini!!
Melanie lost another 3 lbs this week, for a total of 13 lbs now.
She's feeling energized and all her clothes are fitting better!
She's feeling energized and all her clothes are fitting better!
Beth is down 5.2 lbs in 3 weeks and says this: "When I was on my computer at midnight weeks ago and looking for "weight loss coaches" - I was thinking "I need help God, I can't do this on my own, I need help". I somehow found the "50 Top Online Coaches" article in The Huffington Post that you are on (you are #16 on it). I looked at every single one, but you stood out - I was "drawn" to your site. I do believe God heard me and led me to you, Erin and your site."
Lisa has lost 11.4 lbs in 1 month by learning not to be so judgmental of herself.
Keena's doctor directed her to Losing Coach, and is now down 45 lbs in 5 and 1/2 months!
Deb has lost 58.6 lbs in one year after attending a Losing Coach Workshop!!!
Jessica has lost 6.2 lbs in 9 days. She has struggled with her weight all her life.
Now she wants to feel fabulous and beautiful, wear cute clothes, and feel confident in herself!
Now she wants to feel fabulous and beautiful, wear cute clothes, and feel confident in herself!
Kelly started a few weeks ago and is down 4 lbs already! She is feeling good about herself!
Penny has lost 60 lbs! "I don't know how in the world I can ever repay you for opening my eyes to all the love around me. My life is so full of love and it feels amazing."
Since coaching with Shelley, Donna has lost 28.8 lbs!
"I feel emotionally lighter...no more feeling 'punished.' I'm learning to like and take care of myself."
"I feel emotionally lighter...no more feeling 'punished.' I'm learning to like and take care of myself."
With Online Coaching, Susan has lost 28 lbs!
"I'm wearing a 2 piece on my upcoming vacation!"
"I'm wearing a 2 piece on my upcoming vacation!"