![]() Jordan has relocated to Pittsburgh to be close to family and her home town. She's taken another DJ position there. Central Ohio will certainly miss her! We all wish her well and we're excited for the amazing opportunities in this next chapter of her life! So what did this move mean for Jordan, Losing Coach®, and her weight loss journey? First, let me give you a current result - she's 15 lbs down as of today! How did she manage her weight through this major life transition? Because, as you can imagine, it must have been stressful, right? You bet it was...the planning, the packing, the saying goodbyes, the logistics, starting a new job, finding a new home, the uncertainty, so many unknowns... Such a major life transition!! And I'll tell you exactly how she managed to still lose weight through it all. Her weight loss actually stalled for a while. It did. She was focused on other things. She had to. Thinking about her weight got "tabled" for a short while, while she kept her mind focused on the things that needed done to make this transition in her life. And so the scale didn't move for a while. Wanna know what I told her? "That's okay. Don't worry about it." That's okay? Don't worry about it? Geez....what kind of weight loss coach am I? Aren't I supposed to be motivating her and inspiring her? Weight loss isn't always about motivation and inspiration like everyone thinks. Sometimes it's about being able to put things on "pause" for a while with no judgment and no additional stress because of it. And so that's what I did with Jordan. I removed the judgment and the stress of worrying about her weight. You know what that resulted in? Her being able, when time was right, to "un-pause" and pick up exactly where she left off, and continue to lose weight. Lose weight without judgment or stress. And now...she's down another 4 lbs, giving her a total of 15 lbs lost so far!
Well Jordan Kline is like the rest of us....with a life that can sometimes get chaotic. Whew...glad to know Jordan is human too! :)
Sometimes there are simply time periods in our lives that are so crazy we don't have the mental space in our head to worry about what we're eating. And that folks, is life. And that is why she loves this process! Life happens, and life can be chaotic at times. The Losing Coach® Process has taught Jordan that it's okay. Life is not all about food and worrying about what you're eating. And YET...in the midst of chaos...she has discovered her mental strength (she used to believe the lie that she lacks will-power) and she can still manage her weight. Her appetite is decreasing as she puts the process into practice. She doesn't have to even think about it. But she's thinking all right...using her brain to make her own decisions! That is where we started with this process - empowering her to make her own decisions. (Little secret...we don't tell her what to eat! :)) We respect her, and know she is like every woman we work with...fully capable, intelligent and able to make decisions for herself. (Know that the same is true for YOU too.) This empowers her. And she has the power! That's how she's doing this!! ![]() And she is down 11 lbs! What do you think folks? We began exactly one month ago today and Jordan is at her lowest weight she's been at in 20 years. She broke through a number on the scale she didn't think was possible. She's going strong and not about to stop any time soon. And I know everyone is asking her how she is doing it. It's no secret. It's not about the food she's eating or anything special she's doing, sorry if the fact that there's no secret is disappointing. It's simple. It's about all the decisions she is making day in and day out based on our seven steps. Which is what we reviewed today. 1. Power 2. Truth 3. Love 4. Faith 5. Hope 6. Self-Control and 7. Grace. She didn't even realize these were the seven steps to the Losing Coach® Process she was doing because she was simply experiencing it and living it. Today I broke it all down for her and explained to her how all seven steps work in coherence with each other to fully support her in every aspect of her decision-making. She especially loves the self-control she is experiencing and I encouraged her today to give herself more grace. (She's a very driven, too hard on herself individual.) As always, we laughed and cried (well, she cried :)) and I sent her on her way to another week of weight loss success with The Losing Coach® process! Feel free to comment and give Jordan your support. She deserves it!! It was unplanned, but Jordan came to my house for our session today. (I was trapped by road construction on my street, then she got trapped too which was hilarious!) And boy did we have a great time!! We laughed, we cried, we took photos, and laughed about that too! This session, which is specifically about step 4 in our process, is very emotional and personal. We continue to protect Jordan's privacy, so details of her personal journey remain confidential. We did not record the session, but I decided to shoot a quick video after the session! Watch below. Enjoy, relate and laugh with us as we get a peak of this very inspiring woman! ![]() Jordan is a special Losing Coach® client because her journey is public. A core principle in the Losing Coach® process is The Privacy Principle. We adhere to it in the company, protecting every client's privacy. And we teach it to every client for themselves. Very simply stated - Keep it private. Keep what private? Everything. Everything you're doing and all the decisions you are making in regards to your eating, and your decisions with food. Why? To protect yourself. To maintain your dignity. And to block out all the voices out there that want to tell you what to do. And so here is Jordan. Public. With a following. And publicly endorsing Losing Coach® publicly. So where does this leave Jordan? I mean, people will want to know what she is doing. How is she losing weight? How much weight is she losing? Etc... Does that mean Jordan can't use our very powerful Privacy Principle to protect herself? Absolutely not. It makes the Privacy Principle all the more necessary and all the more important for her. She must protect her privacy. I have told her "What, when, how, why and where you decide to eat is not open for discussion with anyone else. Do not discuss your decisions with anyone. Do not look for feedback and/or validation from anyone. You've got this. You now know the truth and it's not open for debate...or discussion." There are 3 stages of problem-solving we address in our coaching: 1. Thinking 2. Talking 3. Taking Action I told Jordan, "When you're done thinking and talking about everyone else's opinion and feedback about your diet, your weight and your body, then you are ready to take action. So be done with all the research and discussion. Be done with it. Nobody gets to question your decisions or tell you what to do. It's not open for discussion anymore. When you're done talking, you're ready to take action." Your weight is YOUR business and no one else's. I know people will ask Jordan about her weight loss with Losing Coach® and how can they get it too. But you see, Jordan can only tell you to take our Online Course to discover it for yourself. She can't tell you what she is doing for weight loss. She can't give it you; she really can't. She can't sell it to you. Nobody can sell weight loss. Losing Coach® doesn't sell weight loss. Weight loss is a result of the decisions you make day in and day out. And you are the only one who owns your brain, nobody can sell it to you. We sell a service that equips you to make your own decisions in managing your weight. Decisions that will result in weight loss. Pretty simple. So Jordan cannot tell you what she is doing to lose weight. To ask her to, is to ask her to transmit to your brain every thought process, every feeling, every decision and all the problem-solving skills she has acquired over her life-time. It can't be done. It's impossible. You are the only one that can lose weight for yourself, and you can't get it from anyone else. How much weight Jordan is losing is no one's business either. We will, from time to time, share where she is in her progress, but that will be when it is appropriate. Yes, she's already lost a few pounds (yep, that quickly...the brain is an amazing tool for weight loss). You'll have to keep checking back to see more. ;) Erin and I will protect and defend Jordan's dignity and honor with a fierceness, especially since her journey will be public. Basically, we're like two angels with flaming swords, guarding the most sacred place on earth. We're that focused on a woman's dignity and honor. It's what we give to every woman who comes to Losing Coach®. And Jordan is no exception. ![]() Jordan Kline is a very popular evening DJ on Central Ohio's Sunny95 radio station. Since 2012, through dedication and hard work, she lost over 100 lbs. on her own. And then, she reached a place (specifically around 180 lbs.) where she felt she was at a stand-still. She felt like she couldn't break through that number. Realizing that her weight loss could only continue if she could keep the fire within her going, she had to make some internal changes. And for her weight loss to be permanent, she had to find a way to support the external changes she had already made, and wanted to continue to make. In 2016 Losing Coach® happened to be looking for a celebrity endorsement. So one night, Shelley put it out there on her personal Facebook page, and Jordan responded. Shelley tells the story: I could feel immediately this was a perfect match. One night, while we were messaging on Facebook, she told me she felt like she just couldn't break through this number - 180. I told her, "Good! This is exciting, because you are at the perfect place to start Losing Coach®!" She responded, "Really??" I knew I had her a little confused at that point...being excited about the rut she was in, but I knew it was okay. After our first coaching session, she would understand and her eyes would be "opened" to the power of surrender in weight loss. This point, the point of surrender, where one says...I'm stuck and don't know what to do...is the perfect place to be! It's the PERFECT starting place for success! Jordan needed to hear that it was all okay, and she hadn't done anything wrong. As a highly driven, hard-working, incredibly accomplished woman, one can understand how her stand-still doesn't make sense. But we understand it completely. And helping women get past the "plateaus" in their weight is our specialty. On February 2, 2016 Jordan came to the Losing Coach® office and had her 1st coaching session. Come back each week to follow this page "Jordan's Journey" (www.LosingCoach.com/Jordan) with Losing Coach®. Shelley will share the take-aways, the ah-ha moments, and Jordan's success with her coaching. "After her 1st coaching session, Jordan left the Losing Coach® office with a big sigh of relief, knowing she was now fully equipped to get where she longed to go. I gave her a hug, smiled, and said, 'Now, go eat whatever you want!'" |
Jordan's JourneyIn 2016 Losing Coach® happened to be looking for a celebrity endorsement. So one night, Shelley put it out there on her personal Facebook page, and Jordan Kline, former DJ on Columbus' Sunny95, responded. This page is where Shelley shares the take-aways, the ah-ha moments, and Jordan's success with her coaching. Archives
April 2016
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