![]() Do you want to know how naturally thin people maintain their weight? It's not in following a diet, that's for sure! (I mean, they are naturally thin, they don't have to follow a diet!) It's in how they think! Here are my top ten thoughts I have now that I am naturally thin. 1. I am very aware of my body's great shape and I value and care about that a lot. 2. I do not freak out, feel discouraged or hopeless when I see the scale go up a few pounds. I know I have the power to control my weight. 3. I never feel obligated to eat when my friends or family eat if I don't want to. 4. I don't really care about all the "eat this" and "eat that" rules; I know my weight is healthy and my nutrition is good (all confirmed by my healthcare provider.) 5. I never feel obligated to finish eating something I've started. I can save anything and everything for later. 6. I don't have anxiety about missing a meal occasionally; it happens, and I may not like it, but I know I'm not starving. And I definitely don't worry about my body holding onto fat from "starvation mode". That's actually never happened to me. Call me crazy, but if I really start to starve (dictionary definition - perish from lack of food), I will lose body fat. 7. My weight and my body and desires/goals with that are never, or very infrequently, a topic of conversation in my inner circles. 8. I never "announce" when I'm deciding not to eat something. (I've been at pizza parties before and no one even noticed I decided not to eat any pizza.) 9. I have a strong internal gauge on my own satiation and hence, know very well when it's time to stop eating. I am good at self-regulating. 10. Absolutely nobody else has a say or input in the decisions I make with my body and the food (type and/or amount) I decide to eat. I'm smart enough to make my own decisions, thank you very much. These are all indeed real and powerful thoughts a naturally thin person thinks. They seem to so easily be naturally thin, saying stuff like "I can eat anything I want", but that's only because what they want comes from how they think and their decisions don't cause them to gain weight. This is what the Losing Coach Seven Step Process to Weight Loss Mastery will do for you.... it will train you to think like you are naturally thin, and hence, you will become naturally thin. Through the process, you will learn to self-regulate, feel good about your body and your decisions, and see that you have the power to control your weight, with no anxiety, and be naturally thin!
![]() The best way to decrease your appetite is to understand what increases it in the first place. When it comes to your appetite - don't fight it, fix it. It's the difference between putting a band-aid on something and actually remedying the source of the problem. So let's get to the source. Appetite, as defined by the dictionary, is simply, a desire for food or drink. It's real simple, so let's keep it simple. We are not psycho-analyzing anyone's deep dark secrets here. Follow me and read to the bottom on a specific way you can decrease your appetite. If you have an increased appetite, you've probably said words like this - "I'm a stress eater" or "I'm an emotional eater." And my reaction to that is...so am I and everyone else; that doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. What that does mean is that you recognize your appetite is increased by anxiety and anxiety is indeed a source of an increased appetite. The source of your appetite comes from a message that the brain sends to the body to increase the desire for food or drink. Why would the brain do this to us? It wants to protect us. The brain knows from past experience that food and drink serve as a natural anti-anxiety for us. First let me show you that your appetite is simply a message from the brain to the body. Do you know that it is possible to be under extreme stress and emotion, have an empty stomach, and even feel hungry, with NO appetite whatsoever... when you have the stomach flu. Ever think about that before? This is not a paradox, this is simply from a message your brain sent to your body to decrease your appetite to protect you during a time when you are unable to digest food. Your brain sent that message to your body to have no desire for food. It did this to protect you. Understand the brain will send a message to your body, one way or another - to increase or decrease your appetite for your protection, always. It wants to help ease your anxiety, comfort your pain, and protect you from illness. Anxiety, along with pain and other experiences will cause the brain to send this message to increase your appetite. But let's just focus on anxiety, since it is so prevalent. One way that you can decrease your appetite is to decrease your anxiety. Anxiety, as defined by the dictionary is "distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune." And did you know that your lack of confidence in your ability to lose weight is actually fear of misfortune. If you fear you won't be able to lose weight, you have fear of misfortune, which is anxiety. Your very fear that you will never be able to lose weight increases your appetite! It's a vicious cycle, very similar to worrying about not getting enough sleep causing insomnia. The best way to decrease your appetite is to have full confidence that you CAN and WILL lose weight. This kind of confidence can only come from knowing the truth with a real and truthful weight loss plan with no gimmicks and no exceptions. Only then can you truly have this kind of confidence. This confidence will eliminate your anxiety and hence, you will not need the anti-anxiety effect that more food provides, and so the brain will decrease your appetite. I still marvel at this in my own experiences and am fascinated to see this play out each and every time for our clients. The effect of removing the anxiety about weight loss is a powerful way our clients experience a decreased appetite. |
AuthorShelley Johnson is the Creator & Founder of The Losing Coach®. Archives
May 2020
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